Profile file definition

Profiles are used to define the list of artifacts that will be collected during the execution. They are YAML files located in the profiles directory.

A profile file has two mandatory fields at the top of the file, followed by a set of artifacts files that will be used during the collection.


name: myprofile
description: My profile.
  - live_response/process/ps.yaml
  - live_response/process/lsof.yaml
  - bodyfile/bodyfile.yaml
  - hash_executables/hash_executables.yaml



The profile name. This is the name UAC uses to find the correct profile file during the script execution.



Describes the purpose of the profile as a whole. It should contain all the details about what kind of collection will be performed. No line breaks are supported.



Set of artifacts files that will be used during the collection. All available artifacts files are located in the artifacts directory.

Artifacts files will be executed in the same order they were added to the profile file.

The example below shows a profile file that will collect `ps`, and thenlsof``` artifacts.

name: myprofile
description: My profile.
  - live_response/process/ps.yaml
  - live_response/process/lsof.yaml

Wildcards and regex patterns (globbing) are also supported to refer to artifacts files. The example below shows a profile that will collect all artifacts located in the live_response/process directory. Note that the artifacts files will be parsed in alphabetical order in this case.

name: myprofile
description: My profile.
  - live_response/process/*

Artifacts files can also be skipped from the collection using the exclamation mark (!) before the artifacts file path. The example below shows a profile that will collect all artifacts located in the files directory (and subdirectories), excluding files/logs/additional_logs.yaml and all artifacts files located in files/applications directory.

name: myprofile
description: My profile.
  - files/*
  - !files/logs/additional_logs.yaml
  - !files/applications/*